The pharmaceutical packaging industry is constantly developing as pharmaceutical manufacturers require reliable and efficient packaging solutions that meet a variety of requirements. Packaging is essential for the safe storage and administration of pharmaceutical products. Packaging pharmaceuticals is important not only for storing and protecting products but is also helpful in identifying, marketing, and promoting different brands, and making pharmaceutical products easier to use. Vials, blister packs, bottles, syringes, ampoules, etc are the most common pharmaceutical packages. The packages must perform correctly to ensure that the drug product remains uncompromised throughout the distribution cycle and shelf life. These packages are later tested to guarantee their quality and integrity.
Testing Package Integrity Using VeriPac 355 Series
VeriPac 355 is a non-destructive micro leak detection device for testing container closure integrity and package integrity on a variety of products and packaging types. This system is specially designed to test containers for dry product gas leaks as well as liquid leaks. Since it is non-destructive and does not need sample preparation, the VeriPac 355 can be integrated into protocols at any step in the handling process. The VeriPac 355 is the ideal non-destructive quantitative test technique for various pharmaceutical and food applications, with the capacity to detect leak rates as low as 0.2 cc/min depending on package parameters. The VeriPac 355 core technology is based on the ASTM vacuum decay leak testing method (F2338-09), which is recognized by the FDA as a consensus standard for package integrity testing. VeriPac leak test instruments were used to develop this test method.
Technology Overview
The VeriPac 355 leak tester is connected to a test chamber intended to hold the package to be tested. The package is placed inside the vacuum-sealed test chamber. High-resolution absolute transducer technology is utilized to monitor the test chamber for, both the level of vacuum and the change in vacuum during a pre-defined test duration. This is capable of detecting both gross and micro leaks. The test cycle is only a few seconds long and the results are objective. The testing is non-destructive to both the product and the package.
The sensitivity of a test is determined by the sensitivity of the transducer, the package design, the package test fixture, and the crucial test parameters of time and pressure. Test systems can be configured to operate manually or semi-automatically. This method is suitable for offline laboratory testing and QA/QC statistical process control.
Advantages of VeriPac 355
- Non-destructive, non-subjective, and no sample preparation is required
- Deterministic, quantitative test method
- Detection of defects down to 0.2 ccm (5 microns)
- High sensitivity, repeatability, and accuracy
- Operator receives a PASS/FAIL result within a short cycle time
- Portable modular design with a small footprint
- FDA standard and ASTM F2338 test method
VeriPac technology is the optimal non-destructive solution for determining container closure integrity in a variety of package configurations. The strategy for choosing the right VeriPac model is based on the package type and the required leak test sensitivity. Configurations can be optimized and customized to the needs of each application. The VeriPac Series will analyze a wide range of high-risk package applications and ensure that the product fulfills regulatory standards and customer requirements for integrity.
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